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Grace Force Scholarship, Sep 2, 2021 

Topic: “Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities”

For more information on this scholarship visit:

  • Any Marion County student 12 grade
  • $1,000 Scholarship

The Grace Force / Marion Soil & Water Conservation District Scholarship Program 2021

One $1,000.00 scholarship will be awarded by the Marion Water Soil and Water Conservation District to an eligible Marion County high school or equivalent school senior student.

Criteria for student selection:
-Unweighted GPA
-Transcripts to date from the guidance office or equivalent record custodian
-Community service hours to date with verification by the guidance office or equivalent record custodian
-One Letter of Recommendation
-Essay (See below for essay requirements)

A committee from the supervisors elected to the Marion Soil and Water Conservation District will review the applications. Applicants selected by the committee to be interviewed will be notified by telephone.

Please write an essay with a minimum of 500 words and no more than 2,000 words on the National Associations of Conservation Districts (NACD) annual topic, “Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities” (The essay should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.) The NACD website states “Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they absorb carbon from the atmosphere, stabilize the soil, filter water, provide healthy habitat for wildlife and offer many additional benefits – for nature, people and biodiversity. Not only is it necessary to protect existing trees and plant new ones, but it’s also important to advocate and educate about trees and forest conservation within your community.”

The essay will consist of a cover page which will include the title of the essay and the name and telephone number of the writer, the body of the essay, an appendix of citations relating to any
comments quoted from any source and a bibliography of the reference materials used by the presenter in researching the topic and writing the essay.

The committee would prefer the writer use 12-point Century Gothic or similar font with double spacing between the lines.