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The Marion Soil and Water Conservation District (MSWCD) Supervisors serve as the governing body overseeing the District's operations and activities to fulfill its mission of conserving soil, water, and related natural resources within its jurisdiction. The District operates under a Board of five Supervisors, elected in accordance with Chapter 582.18 of the Florida Statutes. Each Supervisor is expected to have a deep understanding of local conservation issues and a commitment to addressing them through effective governance, collaboration, and stewardship. Their responsibilities include setting policies, approving budgets, and overseeing programs to ensure the successful implementation of the District's objectives and goals.

The Board of Supervisors establishes a regular meeting schedule, with special meetings called as needed. A quorum, defined as a majority (51%) of the Supervisors, is required to conduct official business. The Board meets at least once each calendar year with all five Supervisors.